- The 1832 cholera epidemic in East London
- Article written by Robert McR. Higgins and published in the 'East London Record', no.2
(1979). Republished with the kind permission of the
East London History Society.
- An Account of the Hamlet of Poplar, in Middlesex
- From 'The Universal magazine' for June 1795. Poplar at this time being a rural hamlet,
this is largely a description of John Perry's shipyard and wet dock at Blackwall which was
soon to be converted into the East India Docks.
- 'And ye shall walk in silk attire'
- Henry Mayhew visits some silkweavers in the Spitalfields area to see the effects of
the depression in trade. The article was published in 'London Characters' in 1881 but appears
to have been written in 1849.
- Annie Besant and the match-girls' strike of 1888
- Annie Besant's own account of how her article in the Link newspaper triggered the Matchgirls'
Strike of 1888 and of the subsequent events. From 'Annie Besant : an autobiography,' 2nd
ed., published by T. Fisher Unwin, [1893?], pp. 331-8.
- At a sugar baking
- James Greenwood describes a visit to a sugar refinery in Backchurch Lane, Whitechapel,
in a chapter from 'The wilds of London', published in 1874.
- An autumn evening in Whitechapel
- Article from 'Littell's Living Age', 3 November 1888, on Whitechapel in the wake of
the Jack the Ripper murders.
- Bethnal Green
- Article from 'The Nineteenth Century' (June 1924) about conditions around Green Street
(now the western end of Roman Road).
- Bethnal Green fever haunts again
- Inquest report from the 'East London Observer,' (Saturday, 17th February 1866), p. 2,
on the death of a woman and child, with descriptions of the terrible conditions in which
they lived and the workings (or rather failings) of the Poor Law.
- The black and Asian presence in the Tower Hamlets : a miscellany
- A collection of short reports from the 18th and 19th century on black people, Chinese
people and Lascars.
- Breaking and entering : a miscellany (1729-1838)
- A collection of 18th and 19th century news reports on burglaries and peoples' attempts
to stop them.
- Bromley Saint Leonard
- Article from 'The Copartnership Herald', Vol. IV, no. 43 (September 1934).
- Bromley Saint Leonard : the Upper Manor
- Article from 'The Copartnership Herald', Vol. IV, no. 44 (October 1934) on the Priory
of St. Leonard, the Upper Manor, and the 'Old Palace'.
- Bromley Saint Leonard : the Village
- Article from 'The Copartnership Herald', Vol. IV, no. 45 (November 1934).
- Bromley Saint Leonard : Tudor House, Lower Manor
- Article from 'The Copartnership Herald', Vol. IV, no. 46 (December 1934).
- Bromley Saint Leonard's
- Excerpt from 'London and Middlesex', Vol. IV, (1816), by J. Norris Brewer, on the history
of the parish of Bromley.
- The Brutality of night-constables and watchmen...
- An article on the death of Anne Ashley due to the negligent treatment of the night-constable
of St. Matthew's, Bethnal Green. Published in 1825 but the source of the article is not
- The Builder
- The Camden-Town Railway
- Article from 'The Illustrated London News', 15th November 1851, p. 603-604, describing
a journey from Fenchurch Street Station to Camden. The Tower Hamlets area as well as areas
outside it, such as Homerton and Hackney, are described.
- The Church of St. Matthias, Poplar
- Article from 'The Copartnership Herald', Vol. II, no. 16 (June 1932).
- Charles II of Limehouse
- Taken from an almanac and tide table issued from The Blue Posts by Charlie Brown Jnr.
in 1936 .
- Church of St. Bartholomew the Less, Bethnal Green
- Short article on the newly-built church from the 'Illustrated London News', 8th June
- Commercial Road
- Article from 'The Copartnership Herald', Vol. II, no. 21 (November 1982), on the history
of the Commercial Road, built in 1803.
- The Copartnership Herald
- Articles from a periodical published by the Commercial Gas Company in the 1930's
- The 'Continental Sunday' in England : sketches from the life
in Petticoat Lane
- Article from 'Pall Mall Budget', 18th April 1889, on the market in, what is properly
called, Middlesex Street.
- Crimes of passion : a miscellany (1728-1780)
- A collection of short reports from the 18th century on bawdy houses (brothels), bastardy,
and other sexual crimes.
- The curiosities of drunkenness
- An anecdotal study by Henry Mayhew of the reasons for drinking - or not drinking - alcohol
among the coal-whippers of the Pool of London. Published in 'London Characters', 1881.
- A Curious Burial
- Article from 'The East London Observer', 11th January 1890, on the funeral of Ah Sing,
a Chinese inhabitant of St. George's-in-the-East who, reputedly, ran the opium den visited
by Charles Dickens before he wrote 'The mystery of Edwin Drood'.
- Down East
- The West End takes a look at the East End (accompanied by a policeman, of course) in
this article from 'The Metropolitan', 14th September 1872. A look at the nightlife of the
East End from a German dancehall to a 'penny gaff' in Whitechapel.
- Down the Highway
- Article from the 'East London Observer,' no. 4 (Saturday, October 10, 1857), where a
'Taxpayer of Forty Years Standing' complains bitterly and colourfully about the failure
of the police to control the behaviour of prostitutes on the Ratcliff Highway and 'frightful
scenes of debauchery and vice.'
- Dwellings of the Poor in Bethnal-Green
- Article from 'The Illustrated London News', 24th October 1863, on housing conditions
in the area.
- East and West London
- Selections from a book by the Rev. Harry Jones of St. George's-in-the-East on his impressions
of East London, subtitled 'Being notes of common life and pastoral work in Saint James's,
Westminster, and in Saint George's-in-the-East'. Published in 1875.
- An East End vicar and his work
- Article, written circa 1895, about Revd. Daw and his work in the parish of St. Mary,
Spital Square.
- East London : sketches of Christian work
and workers
- Twelve chapters (of which two chapters are currently available and the others will be
added gradually) describing the work of the churches, missions, and settlements in the East
End, written by Henry Walker and published by the Religious Tract society in 1896.
- East London Industries
- Highly-approving descriptions by W. Glenny Crory of the various industries located in
the East End. Originally written between January 1875 and January 1876 for the East London
Observer, these articles were published in book form in 1876. Currently, only the Preface,
Introduction and the chapter on The Manufacture of Matches is available here. Others will
be added gradually.
- East London Observer
- Articles from this weekly newspaper.
- East London Opium Smokers
- From London Society, July 1868.
- Author not recorded. Interesting for its relaxed attitude to drug taking.
- East London Record
- Articles from the journal of the East
London History Society.
- An evening at a Whitechapel 'gaff'
- Article reprinted in the 'East London Observer,' (Saturday, March 10th, 1866), p. 2,
in which James Greenwood, the 'Amateur Casual,' visits an East End theatre. East Enders
at play instead of the usual poverty and disease.
- The Female Casual at Whitechapel. Pt. 1
- Article from the 'East London Observer,' (Saturday, September 1st 1866), p. 2, in which
a female correspondent describes her own experience of a night in the casual (temporary)
ward of the St. George-in-the-East workhouse.
- The Female Casual at Whitechapel. Pt. 2
- Article from the 'East London Observer,' (Saturday, September 8th 1866), p. 2, in which
the female correspondent describes a night in the casual (temporary) ward of the Whitechapel
- A friend in my retreat
- An account of the day-to-day life of that great East End institution: mother. Kingsley
Royden remembers the daily routines of his mother (and father) living in Bromley-by-Bow
in the 1920's. Published in the 'East London Record', no.1 (1978) and republished here with
the kind permission of the East London History
- Harry Jones and the creation of St. George's Gardens
- From the East London Advertiser, 5th January 1901, page 7
- Homes in the east of London : a fresh visit to Bethnal-green
- Article from 'The Builder' (28th January 1871) looking at the scandalous housing conditions
in the area.
- Homes in the east of London : a visit to 'Wapping island'
- Article from 'The Builder' (7th January 1871) looking at housing conditions in Wapping
- not, of course, a true island but cut off by the London Docks.
- The Illustrated London News
- In Alien-Land
- Chapter I of 'Off the track in London' by George R. Sims, published by Jarrold &
Sons in 1911, in which he explores the Jewish East End, visiting Wentworth Street and Brick
Lane, The Spitalfields Great Synagogue, and other streets in Whitechapel and Spitalfields.
- In Bethnal Green
- Chapter VIII of 'Off the track in London' by George R. Sims, published by Jarrold &
Sons in 1911, in which he visits the Sunday markets in Bethnal Green, an animal dealer,
and a hand-weaver.
- In Limehouse and the Isle of Dogs
- Chapter XI of 'Off the track in London' by George R. Sims, published by Jarrold &
Sons in 1911. Originally published in 'The Strand' magazine in July 1905. In it, he visits
Millwall, China Town, Salmon Lane and other places in the area. The area has changed so
completely that this has an almost legendary feel to it.