‘Sooty Crap Collector’
‘Sooty Crap Wagon ‘
‘Sooty Disposal Unit‘
‘Units Entry to w/shops‘
‘O & M’
‘O & M’
‘ No. 9 out from Poplar’
‘Poplar Station’
‘Poplar Station Roadbridge (E. India Dock in background)’
‘Roadbridge approach to Poplar Station’
‘No, 5 entering Poplar St. approach’
‘Poplar Station’
‘No. 6 at West India Quay’
Substation at West India Quay Stn.
Substation at West India Quay Stn.
‘No. 8 approaching Limehouse’
‘No. 8 entering Limehouse Stn.’
‘No. 8 in Limehouse Stn.’
‘Steel Span Viaduct, S. End Leman St. E.1.’