a Derbyshire Numismatic Society

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Derbyshire Numismatic Society

Essentially the society is provincial in nature although membership extends beyond the county boundary and indeed further afield. The society began in 1964, the first meeting being held on June 15th at the Adult Education Centre, Becket Street, Derby.

Ernest W Danson was the instigator and driving force of the society and still plays a very active role in the society. The current President Don Sherwin joined in September 1964 and over the years has given many talks on ancient coins. Many other members, past and present, have contributed to the success of the society.

The society exists for the promotion of the study of all aspects of numismatics. Members' interests include mainstream areas like ancient hammered and milled coinages, paper money, tokens and medallions. Some of the more uncharted waters of paranumismatics are also explored with local material to the fore.

Meetings are normally held on the third Monday of the month except August. Individuals, whether beginners or serious numismatists, will be made most welcome at any of our meetings. Details of the society, the current programme etc. are given below. For further information, please contact the Secretary.

Derbyshire Numismatic Society: Founded 1964, Current Membership: 44

Venue: Friends' Meeting House, St Helen's Street, Derby
Ordinary Meetings: 7.45pm Auctions: 7.l5pm (Viewing 6.30pm)


President: D. Sherwin,
Chairman: L. Rose, Hon. Secretary: Tim Bates.
Hon. Treasurer: Dean Leonard, Auction Secretary: Roy Ince.
Committee Members: M Davidson, D. Smith, D Walker, Andy Whittlestone.

Subscriptions: Full session, 1st July to 30th June: Ordinary Members £2 Senior Citizens, Junior, Student and Family Members 8Op. Members elected after 31st December pay half these subscriptions.


Contact Details for Derbyshire NS: 01283 211623


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