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Logo of The Numismatic Society of Nottinghamshire

Numismatic Society of Nottinghamshire

Registered Charity No. 512243
Founded 1948

Meetings are normally held on the second MONDAY of the month, September to April. Visitors to meetings are very welcome. Details of the society, the current programme etc. are given below. For further information, please contact the Secretary.


Subscription £5 per annum due 1st July, members under 18 years of age £2.50 per annum.


Secretary: Mark T. Ray Tel: 07814 383145


Beeston Suite,
Highfields Fire Station,
Hassocks Lane, Beeston,
Nottingham. NG9 2GQ


Monthly: September to April
& AGM in July,
Start time: 6.45pm.
(Auction viewing from 6.00pm)


Programme for 2021-2022.


Monday September 13th A Paranumismatic Tour of Newark, by Alan Cope.
Monday October 11th Society Auction.
Monday November 8th Castles of Nottinghamshire by James Wright.
Monday December 13th    The Smith’s - A Nottingham Banking Family, by Mark T. Ray.


Monday January 10th Various Short Talks, by Society members.
Monday February 14th History’s Great Names in Coins, by Steve Jackson.
Monday March 14th The Reign of Queen Anne in Coins & Medals, by David Brown.
Monday April 11th Society Auction.
Monday July 11th             Annual General Meeting


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