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BANS Annual Congress 2006

Was held at Dublin



Friday 7th April 2006

4-30 p.m. Registration & information at Ashling Hotel
6-00 p.m. Meet and greet. National Museum.Collins Barracks
6-30 p.m. Informal reception & welcome address by Raghnall O'Floinn, Head of Collections, National Museum of Ireland
Announcement by Louis O'Byrne Central Bank

Saturday 8th April 2006

8-00 to 8-45 a.m. Breakfast
9-00 a.m. Welcome address to 2006 Congress by Graham Dyer OBE President of BANS
9-15 a.m. 1) Edward Besly. National Museum of Wales
The Rogiet Hoard and the Coinage of Allectus
10-00 a.m. 2) Catherine Eagleton. British Museum
Wealth of Africa: 4000 yrs of money and trade
10-45 a.m. Coffee Break
11-15 a.m. 3) Gary Byrne. Numismatic Society of Ireland
Plated British Celtic Coins
12-00 noon 4) Gerard Rice. Numismatic Society of Ireland
Irish Gunmoney of James II
12-30 p.m. Lunch
2-00 p.m. Free Time to explore etc.
7-15 p.m. Congress Dinner

Sunday 9th April 2006

8-00 to 8-45 a.m. Breakfast
9-00 a.m. 5) Graham Dyer. BANS and John Rainey NSI (NB)
Isle of Man Coppers
9-45 a.m. 6) Clara Semple. Archaeological Artist
The Maria Theresa Thaler
10-30 a.m. Coffee Break
11-00 a.m. 7) Donal Bateson. Hunter Cabinet, University of Glasgow
Lords, Commoners & Coin Cabinets in the 18th Cent.
11-45 a.m. 8) Colm Gallagher. Department of Finance & NSI
Coins that never were - in Irish Bank Token times
12-30 p.m. Lunch