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BANS Annual Congress 2004

Was held at Chester

Friday 2nd April

Sunday 4th April

4.30 p.m. Registration and information atChester College Reception office 8-8.30 a.m. Breakfast
7.30 p.m. Civic Reception at The Town Hall hosted by His Worship The Lord Mayor of Chester. 9.00 a.m. The Linden Homes lecture:-
' Eloye Mestrelle at Elizabeth' s Tower Mint
Dr Christopher Challis & Christopher Comber.

Saturday 3rd April

10.00 a.m. Coffee & Biscuits
8.00 -
8.30 a.m.
Breakfast 10.30  a.m. ' Over the North Bridge & on towards Leith'
Andrew Andison
9.00 a.m. Welcome to the 2004 Congress by Grham Dyer, OBE, President of BANS 11.30 p.m. ' What is a British Colonial Coin?'
Capt Peter Thompson
9.30 a.m. The Howard Linecar Memorial Lecture:-
"The Times' , Roman Style"
Peter Clayton, FRNS
12.30 Lunch
10.30-11.00 a.m. Coffee & Biscuits 1.30 p.m. ' Ancient Meols - History from the sands' - Dr Simon Bean, NMG Merseyside
11.00-11.45 a.m. ' The Transition from Copper to Bronze Coinage in 1860'
Stephen Skellern, President of YNS
2.45 p.m. Closing speech by Graham Dyer OBE President of BANS
12.00 Noon Lunch 3.00 p.m. Tea, scones and dispersal
1.15 -
2.15 p.m.
' Carian Dynastic Coinage'
Dr Keith Sugden, Keeper of Numismatics, Manchester Museum
2.30 p.m. Free time to explore the Roman and medieval city of Chester, including Grosvenor Museum, Heritage Centre, The Deva Experience, Roma walls and Ampitheatre, The Rows and historic Pubs.


7.15 p.m. Sherry Reception followed by 2004 BANS Congress Dinner