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BANS Autumn Weekend 2014

Was held at Chester University

12th to 14th September, 2014



Friday 12th September
16.00 18.00   Registration at the university
18.30 19.15   Ian Doughty (Congleton Museum Services), The Congleton Coin Hoards
19.30     Dinner in the White's Dining Room
Saturday 13th September
7.45 9.00   Breakfast
9.00 9.15   Welcome from President of BANS
9.15 10.00   Denis Martin (South Manchester Numismatic Society), Keeping them in the Family
10.00 10.45   Donal Bateson (Hunterian Museum), Hiberno-Norse to Hanoverian: William Hunter's Irish Collection
10.45 11.15 Coffee break
11.15 12.00   Mark Rasmussen, The Life & Times of a Coin Dealer
12.00 12.45   Shailendra Bhandare (Ashmolean Museum), The European Coinages of India: Danish, Dutch, French & English
12.45 13.45   Lunch in the White's Dining Room
Afternoon     Free time to explore Chester
19.00     Dinner in the White's Dining Room
Sunday 14th September
7.45 9.00   Breakfast
9.00 9.45   Chris Comber, The Harp Groats of Henry VIII
9.45 10.30   Alan Dunlop (Numismatic Society of Ireland), The Anglo-Gallic Coinage of the Plantagenets: a rough guide
10.30 11.00   Coffee break
11.00 11.45   The Royal Mint Museum Lecture  
11.45 12.30   Chris Leather, Money of the French Revolution
12.30 12.45   Closing remarks
12.45 13.45   Lunch in the White's Dining Room
14.00     Depart


