The School Board for London, 1887 to 1904, and the London County Council 1905 to 1920 issued a range of medals and bars in various combinations of finish to encourage and reward regular attendance at their schools. Each year a pupil could earn another medal indicating 'perfect' attendance for from one to twelve years.
The School Board for London, 1887 to 1904, and the London County Council 1905 onwards issued a range of certificates to pupils. A new certificate was awarded each year to show that the pupil had satisfactorily completed the examinations for that year to the required 'Standard'. Certificates were awarded each year for Standards one through seven. Other certificates were awarded for Scripture Knowledge, Swimming, Cooking and various other subjects.
The School Board for London, 1887 to 1904, and the London County Council 1905 onwards issued many series of Reward Cards. Every pupil achieving the required standard of attendance and behaviour received a card for each of the four school terms. It seems that entitlement to a card was gained by earning a number of weekly tickets. A few of these tickets survive, but their use is not documented.
This page is used to present various items of ephemera (or ephemeral items) associated with Schools and School Attendance.
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